We are already supporting several authors and we promote for them more actively!
Indi Authors & Self Publishers, we will help you to promote yours for free!
Please leave your publication info and details about your books in the comment section.
Wishing your best luck and success, Authors!
This blog is to promote your blogs and sites as well as to expose your ads for better earnings FOR FREE! We help each other!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Today's Featured Blog
I am an all-around Pinay mom of two wonderful active boys and wife of a loving husband; mompreneur; crafter; professional teacher; future nurse; struggling cook; make-up fanatic; blogger; obedient daughter; supportive sister; loyal friend; dreamer; survivor.
My blog ALL-AROUND PINAY MAMA (Chronicles of a Multitasking Mom) is based on my personal discoveries and experiences; tips that I learned from experts, friends, and loved ones; facts from books and articles I read that were tried and tested by yours truly. Hope this site will help people from all ages and walks of life especially hard-working moms like me! Enjoy reading! http://allaroundpinaymama.blogspot.com/
I am an all-around Pinay mom of two wonderful active boys and wife of a loving husband; mompreneur; crafter; professional teacher; future nurse; struggling cook; make-up fanatic; blogger; obedient daughter; supportive sister; loyal friend; dreamer; survivor.
My blog ALL-AROUND PINAY MAMA (Chronicles of a Multitasking Mom) is based on my personal discoveries and experiences; tips that I learned from experts, friends, and loved ones; facts from books and articles I read that were tried and tested by yours truly. Hope this site will help people from all ages and walks of life especially hard-working moms like me! Enjoy reading! http://allaroundpinaymama.blogspot.com/
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Today's Featured Blog - Blogger in The Woods
Blogger In The Woods - http://bloggerinthewoods.blogspot.com : Grassroots blogger, social media networking, social experimentation, PR, marketing, tryvertising, product review, beauty and ecigs.
Blogger In The Woods - http://bloggerinthewoods.blogspot.com : Grassroots blogger, social media networking, social experimentation, PR, marketing, tryvertising, product review, beauty and ecigs.
How to use social networks for marketing purposes - blogging and tweeting, #2
Fourth, you need to understand and maximally utilize every individual social networkings.
[follow and unfollow technic]
Google plus is flexible with more sophisticated connections, but Twitter is still very useful and closely directed toward other users.
To maximize the direct interface of Twitter, you need to find a Twitter user, which is directly related to your business and its topics. Then, follow the user's followers, and you could have more followers since Twitter users are quite alert to follow their followers. As a result, you can have more followers who are more interested in your topics, and you can eventually have more right followers.
If you are not successful in having users' attention, you can unfollow and can follow others, who are more interested in your topics and business.
To make more followers, you'd better not use business name for twitter; you need to use your real name.
People tend not to follow somebody who is strongly targeting at commercial beneifts.
Contrarily, twitter users tend to follow who is consulting for their needs with genuine authorship.
Although Google Plus is flexible with less restrictions, it is very smart!
Through Google Plus, it is more possible for you to make your followers, your profile is more open compared to Twitter. Others can see your profile more in detail, they can be selective. Furthermore, Google Plus users are not really aggressive to find their followers compared to Twitter ones.
Thus, it will take time to have a lot of followers through Google Plus. Same as in Twitter, it is tougher to find the relavant followers.
However, there is no limitation of how many users you follow, so it is a chance to make more followers. Google Plus could change their policy in the future like Facebook did.
One clear thing is that following or adding more users could give you more followers, but you need to set up your strategy before starting your strategy in order to get more followers.
You should represent your service or business as a representative individual by using your photo and real profile so that you could give the other users more trust and genuine authorship.
[Statistics Analysis]
One good thing about Google Blogger is that they have very well refined Dashboard that gives you all the details about statistics telling 'how people visit yours', 'which post they read', and 'where the visitors come from' and so on. Since the statistics updates every second, it is possible to see how your post appeal to users coonected to your network.
For example, whenever you post a new article on your Google Plus or Twitter, you can see how many new visits are made on your Google Blogger dashboard, so you can judge whether your new article was enough appealing to your newtwork or not.
It is a fascinating tool.
[Understanding Fuctions of Twitter]
There are certain limitations in following through Twitter. However, you can still reply, favorite, mention, and retweet other users' tweeting without being followed by them.
To have more followers, you need to understand and maximize all the functions to be used in in Twitter, Google Plus, Google Blogger etc. and you need to use them more in systematic relations.
It will be stated in the next article how you use all the social networking more in organic relationship.
About the author BJ Avilla.
He published his first religious and historical fiction, Intelligence Code (part I, Arena of Great Heroes) in 2013.
He is going to the followed series soon and to publish Journey to the Spirit Island in 2013.
He is also working on the social network marketing strategies, managing blogs, Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild.
Check his updated status by following the links.
Facebook: facebook.com/authorbj.a
Twitter: twitter.com/authorbj_a
Blog: http://authorbja.blogspot.com/
other blogs: Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild
[follow and unfollow technic]
Google plus is flexible with more sophisticated connections, but Twitter is still very useful and closely directed toward other users.
To maximize the direct interface of Twitter, you need to find a Twitter user, which is directly related to your business and its topics. Then, follow the user's followers, and you could have more followers since Twitter users are quite alert to follow their followers. As a result, you can have more followers who are more interested in your topics, and you can eventually have more right followers.
If you are not successful in having users' attention, you can unfollow and can follow others, who are more interested in your topics and business.
To make more followers, you'd better not use business name for twitter; you need to use your real name.
People tend not to follow somebody who is strongly targeting at commercial beneifts.
Contrarily, twitter users tend to follow who is consulting for their needs with genuine authorship.
Although Google Plus is flexible with less restrictions, it is very smart!
Through Google Plus, it is more possible for you to make your followers, your profile is more open compared to Twitter. Others can see your profile more in detail, they can be selective. Furthermore, Google Plus users are not really aggressive to find their followers compared to Twitter ones.
Thus, it will take time to have a lot of followers through Google Plus. Same as in Twitter, it is tougher to find the relavant followers.
However, there is no limitation of how many users you follow, so it is a chance to make more followers. Google Plus could change their policy in the future like Facebook did.
One clear thing is that following or adding more users could give you more followers, but you need to set up your strategy before starting your strategy in order to get more followers.
You should represent your service or business as a representative individual by using your photo and real profile so that you could give the other users more trust and genuine authorship.
[Statistics Analysis]
One good thing about Google Blogger is that they have very well refined Dashboard that gives you all the details about statistics telling 'how people visit yours', 'which post they read', and 'where the visitors come from' and so on. Since the statistics updates every second, it is possible to see how your post appeal to users coonected to your network.
For example, whenever you post a new article on your Google Plus or Twitter, you can see how many new visits are made on your Google Blogger dashboard, so you can judge whether your new article was enough appealing to your newtwork or not.
It is a fascinating tool.
[Understanding Fuctions of Twitter]
There are certain limitations in following through Twitter. However, you can still reply, favorite, mention, and retweet other users' tweeting without being followed by them.
To have more followers, you need to understand and maximize all the functions to be used in in Twitter, Google Plus, Google Blogger etc. and you need to use them more in systematic relations.
It will be stated in the next article how you use all the social networking more in organic relationship.
About the author BJ Avilla.
He published his first religious and historical fiction, Intelligence Code (part I, Arena of Great Heroes) in 2013.
He is going to the followed series soon and to publish Journey to the Spirit Island in 2013.
He is also working on the social network marketing strategies, managing blogs, Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild.
Check his updated status by following the links.
Facebook: facebook.com/authorbj.a
Twitter: twitter.com/authorbj_a
Blog: http://authorbja.blogspot.com/
other blogs: Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild
Saturday, October 12, 2013
How to use social networks for marketing purposes - blogging and tweeting, #1
Wow, this is a really heavy topic with endless points and aspects!
However, I will try to share basic principles of setting up and managing your social network with some specific examples showing how to use the inter-link functions of them according to my experience.
To use social network services for marketing purposes, you need to have your genuine idea, services, and products. For some commerical purposes, you should have some valuable goods or services to sell.
Let's see the basic principles to maximize your performance of social network marketing.
First of all, you need to have a specific goal with a long term plan. - What to sell and how to connnect
: Without your specific goal, it is not easy even to start your social network markeing as well as you can't be motivated at all.
For example, let's say you set up a twitter account without clear goal and idea. What kind of message will you post on your status? Who would follow you?
Most importantly, without having a specif goal, you can't keep working on it because it might be a very long way to achieve your goal by using one of the most competitive marketing methods.
Second, you need to be able to research widely and deeply around your industry in order to produce for quality articles and reviews regarding your products and services with your genuine authorship.
Let alone the increasing number of new products and services, there are so many articles, blog posts, and product and service reviews coming out every second through many blogging services, platforms and websites.
These days, not only consumers but also marketers use various blogging services to connect and make their articles more live.
For example, if you write a very good article on your product and post on your website, it may be required to set up your homepage with very good SEO strategies and pricy services to promote your article and your products.
However, if you use your blog, already built with your own social network and the connected people, it might be more convenient and consistent workable to promote your own products and ideas.
Recently, Google Blogger Service seems to be very actively used while they connect their bloggers' posts and articles by making them automatically exchangeble and sharable through their google plus and google community services. Additonally, Google Blogs are more to be exposed to the google search engine results, because google is promoting their blogger serivce.
Although the other blogging services like WordPress could be more organized, convenient, and professionally adaptable, Goolgle Blogger must be the essential tool for online or social marketing marketers.
In addition, Google Adsense could bring you extra profits by letting your visitors click your ad associated with google adsense.
Thus, it is very important to set up Google Plus (Fcebook alternative), Google Community, and Google Blogger services to expose your posts maximally to google search engines.
Third, follow and respect each individual social networkings' rules
Every social network marketing is evolving as our business environment. They are updating their rules and features very often.
For example, FACEBOOK started limiting the friendship request if there were many non-accepting cases made from the counter parts. For example, if you make 100 friendship requests not to your friends, and most of them are ignored, FACEBOOK will warn you not to use the friendship request function ramdomly, and you need to reactivate your service.
In other words, it has become not easy to use FACEBOOK soley for marketing purposes.
On the other hand, Google Plus is rising for a new marketing tool because Google Plus service is less restricted, compared to Facebook and Twitter.
Since it is still not easy to build your own network with non-aquaintances only through Google Plus, it is very beneficiary if you use Google Plus Community.
See the Twitter rule regarding this - https://support.twitter.com/entries/18311
About the author BJ Avilla.
He published his first religious and historical fiction, Intelligence Code (part I, Arena of Great Heroes) in 2013.
He is going to the followed series soon and to publish Journey to the Spirit Island in 2013.
He is also working on the social network marketing strategies, managing blogs, Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild.
Check his updated status by following the links.
Facebook: facebook.com/authorbj.a
Twitter: twitter.com/authorbj_a
Blog: http://authorbja.blogspot.com/
other blogs: Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild
However, I will try to share basic principles of setting up and managing your social network with some specific examples showing how to use the inter-link functions of them according to my experience.
To use social network services for marketing purposes, you need to have your genuine idea, services, and products. For some commerical purposes, you should have some valuable goods or services to sell.
Let's see the basic principles to maximize your performance of social network marketing.
First of all, you need to have a specific goal with a long term plan. - What to sell and how to connnect
: Without your specific goal, it is not easy even to start your social network markeing as well as you can't be motivated at all.
For example, let's say you set up a twitter account without clear goal and idea. What kind of message will you post on your status? Who would follow you?
Most importantly, without having a specif goal, you can't keep working on it because it might be a very long way to achieve your goal by using one of the most competitive marketing methods.
Second, you need to be able to research widely and deeply around your industry in order to produce for quality articles and reviews regarding your products and services with your genuine authorship.
Let alone the increasing number of new products and services, there are so many articles, blog posts, and product and service reviews coming out every second through many blogging services, platforms and websites.
These days, not only consumers but also marketers use various blogging services to connect and make their articles more live.
For example, if you write a very good article on your product and post on your website, it may be required to set up your homepage with very good SEO strategies and pricy services to promote your article and your products.
However, if you use your blog, already built with your own social network and the connected people, it might be more convenient and consistent workable to promote your own products and ideas.
Recently, Google Blogger Service seems to be very actively used while they connect their bloggers' posts and articles by making them automatically exchangeble and sharable through their google plus and google community services. Additonally, Google Blogs are more to be exposed to the google search engine results, because google is promoting their blogger serivce.
Although the other blogging services like WordPress could be more organized, convenient, and professionally adaptable, Goolgle Blogger must be the essential tool for online or social marketing marketers.
In addition, Google Adsense could bring you extra profits by letting your visitors click your ad associated with google adsense.
Third, follow and respect each individual social networkings' rules
Every social network marketing is evolving as our business environment. They are updating their rules and features very often.
For example, FACEBOOK started limiting the friendship request if there were many non-accepting cases made from the counter parts. For example, if you make 100 friendship requests not to your friends, and most of them are ignored, FACEBOOK will warn you not to use the friendship request function ramdomly, and you need to reactivate your service.
In other words, it has become not easy to use FACEBOOK soley for marketing purposes.
On the other hand, Google Plus is rising for a new marketing tool because Google Plus service is less restricted, compared to Facebook and Twitter.
Since it is still not easy to build your own network with non-aquaintances only through Google Plus, it is very beneficiary if you use Google Plus Community.
There are so many communities available with the connection of the built Google Plus network. However, it is also very limited if you promote your advertisements since the moderators of the communities won't allow you to promote your ads. Thus, it is required to set up an indirect advertising technics to promote your own goods and services.
For example, you can link your posting on Google Communites and your Goolge Plus by liniking your posts on your Google Blogger since there is no restrictions on your posting on Google Blogger.
You can use Twitter to posting and sharing your blogger articles. However, Twitter strenghtened their rules also.
On Twitter,
- it is not allowed to request a lot of others to follow you at a time (about per 1000 request) without having your history of using Twitter.
- it is not allowed to request more than 2000 follow requests without your having almost equivalent following people on you.
- your ID could be suspended or cancelled if you don't respect their rules.
Although it is very important and useful to use Twitter service, you need to respect and know their rules and features to use more social networking services with balance.
Also, there is some trick by buying twitter followers to save the time and efforts to build up your followers although Twitter officially prohibit users to buy and sell followers.
See the Twitter rule regarding this - https://support.twitter.com/entries/18311
(To be continued for the specific examples for marketers to choose the most effective online marketing methods)
About the author BJ Avilla.
He published his first religious and historical fiction, Intelligence Code (part I, Arena of Great Heroes) in 2013.
He is going to the followed series soon and to publish Journey to the Spirit Island in 2013.
He is also working on the social network marketing strategies, managing blogs, Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild.
Check his updated status by following the links.
Facebook: facebook.com/authorbj.a
Twitter: twitter.com/authorbj_a
Blog: http://authorbja.blogspot.com/
other blogs: Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild
Featured Blogs #1 - Samoa Aviator Blog
Address - http://enidwesterlund.blogspot.com
About Enid (Blog Author):
"I am an aerosexual (lover of all things aviation especially planes). I love working with motivated people and learning about other people's stories.
No matter where I am in the world, I will always have Samoa and dirt farm in my thoughts. God sustains me, my family are my pillars and my friends are treasures in their own right.
I'm a believer of hard work, great ethics and genuine acceptance of other people. The opinions expressed on this blog are strictly my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of my parents,siblings or anyone else in my circle.
I'm a published poet, a sporadic pilot, lover of planes,gardening,reading but above all sleeping.
I love working with international students wherever I study and I have held several leadership roles in this line. I have been the winner of several international awards but my proudest moment is not my own. My father is the greatest and probably one of the most knowledgeable civil engineer-turned farmer and I was most proud when he won an international award due to helping out those who needed farming guidance. "
Continue to read on her blog: http://enidwesterlund.blogspot.com
Friday, October 11, 2013
We promote your blogs FOR FREE!
Let's visit our guild members blogs and ads!
This blog is for the bloggers who help other bloggers!
As a blog manager with our guild members, we promise to visit others blog to cheer them up by clicking their links and ads!
Thank you for your cooperation!
As a blog manager with our guild members, we promise to visit others blog to cheer them up by clicking their links and ads!
Thank you for your cooperation!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
How to creat a good blog!
How to creat a good blog!
Internet users who have desires to produce and publish their own private Internet page have to become educated about some important strategies that will help make it profitable and attractive to public audiences. In many cases, people have never designed a web site before and lack of the experience that it takes to produce a good web page that will be recognised and generate a source of income. With a little bit of knowledge and education a first time web page designer will be able to create Internet sites that will help make them a lot of money.
Probably one of the simplest kinds of Internet pages to produce is called a blog, which pretty much shares topical information with Internet users. Blogs have become very popular throughout the last few years and the number of blogs that are published on the Internet each year continues to increase at a very fast rate of speed. There are many things that blog owners have to consider if they want to be successful both financially and socially.
The primary objective of all blog producers should be to decide precisely how to build up the number of Internet guest traffic to the actual Internet site. One of the best ways of increasing traffic flow is through the effective use of search engines, which publish and advertise the most popular web sites on the Internet. In order to get a search engine to put your particular web site near the top of a visitor's search, there are a couple of things that should be done.
The most important part for Internet page producers to remember is the quality of the web page 's content and what is published on it. The quality and effectiveness of a website's content will determine if the online business is recognized by large search engines and therefore increase its amount of traffic flow. There are a few techniques that web site designers can use to increase their popularity to both search engines and Internet users.Internet users should also remember that the type of text on an Internet page is very important.
If you want your blog to be promoted by search engines, web page writers should use certain key words that visitors use to search the Internet. The titles and subtitles of the blog posts should also be carefully written so that it will have a higher chance of being promoted by search engines.With each web page post that you produce on the Internet, it has to be fairly long and contain at least two hundred words. This allows search engines to pick up more of the keywords that Internet users will be looking for and will then link to your specific blog site. If your blog posts are too short, then there will not be enough information for the search engines to share with other people.
An additional and other crucial method that you can follow in order to get all you can out of your blog post is to attract the visitor 's attention with your writing and also to give room for comments and debate. Provide your readers with articles that will make them want to say something and respond on your blog. The more responses and comments that are published on your blog the more popular it will become and more people will want to visit it.
Also, to generate some cashflow maybe think about features you could ad such Google Adsense, or maybe incorparate links to products through Clickbank or any other affiliate program into your blog. All these things help so be sure to give them a try.Thankyou for your time and good luck in your blogging!!!
If you leave your information here on the comments, I will post yours on our guild member page for better promotion of your blogs!
Internet users who have desires to produce and publish their own private Internet page have to become educated about some important strategies that will help make it profitable and attractive to public audiences. In many cases, people have never designed a web site before and lack of the experience that it takes to produce a good web page that will be recognised and generate a source of income. With a little bit of knowledge and education a first time web page designer will be able to create Internet sites that will help make them a lot of money.
Probably one of the simplest kinds of Internet pages to produce is called a blog, which pretty much shares topical information with Internet users. Blogs have become very popular throughout the last few years and the number of blogs that are published on the Internet each year continues to increase at a very fast rate of speed. There are many things that blog owners have to consider if they want to be successful both financially and socially.
The primary objective of all blog producers should be to decide precisely how to build up the number of Internet guest traffic to the actual Internet site. One of the best ways of increasing traffic flow is through the effective use of search engines, which publish and advertise the most popular web sites on the Internet. In order to get a search engine to put your particular web site near the top of a visitor's search, there are a couple of things that should be done.
The most important part for Internet page producers to remember is the quality of the web page 's content and what is published on it. The quality and effectiveness of a website's content will determine if the online business is recognized by large search engines and therefore increase its amount of traffic flow. There are a few techniques that web site designers can use to increase their popularity to both search engines and Internet users.Internet users should also remember that the type of text on an Internet page is very important.
If you want your blog to be promoted by search engines, web page writers should use certain key words that visitors use to search the Internet. The titles and subtitles of the blog posts should also be carefully written so that it will have a higher chance of being promoted by search engines.With each web page post that you produce on the Internet, it has to be fairly long and contain at least two hundred words. This allows search engines to pick up more of the keywords that Internet users will be looking for and will then link to your specific blog site. If your blog posts are too short, then there will not be enough information for the search engines to share with other people.
An additional and other crucial method that you can follow in order to get all you can out of your blog post is to attract the visitor 's attention with your writing and also to give room for comments and debate. Provide your readers with articles that will make them want to say something and respond on your blog. The more responses and comments that are published on your blog the more popular it will become and more people will want to visit it.
Also, to generate some cashflow maybe think about features you could ad such Google Adsense, or maybe incorparate links to products through Clickbank or any other affiliate program into your blog. All these things help so be sure to give them a try.Thankyou for your time and good luck in your blogging!!!
If you leave your information here on the comments, I will post yours on our guild member page for better promotion of your blogs!
You should make your blog as one of the best earnings!
Let's help each other to make your own blogs as best earning ones!
Please leave your ad details here at the comment sections!
If you leave your information here on the comments, I will post yours on our guild member page for better promotion of yours for your better earnings!
Bloggers! Please advertise your blogs! It is free!
Please leave your blog address and short descriptions to promote your own!
Let's help each other to promote others!
I am wiling to help you to promote your blogs and your earning from your blogs!
Use the comment section in the below.
Online Earning Sites - only good ones!
1. Google Adsense – Pay Per Click Advertising
Google Adsense –
If you are looking for trusted online earning sites then google is the one you can trust. But earning online through adsense is not easy and it generates slow income. However the good thing is that you can earn passive (this means you earn when you sleep). To earn money using adsense you will need at least a blog or website. Google offers free blogs from blogger.com. Register a blog and start writing, but in a blog you can write a full blog on that topic.
Then once you have built a blog with good quality articles and started to see visitors coming, then apply for adsense and put the ad code in your site. When people click on your ads, you will make money. Adsense will send you a check when your earnings have reached $100.
2. Amazon – Affiliate Program
Amazon Affiliates –
This is a leading e-commerce store. They have their own affiliate program. This means if you help them sell some products, you will earn a commission. This online earning site is free to join. Sign up for an amazon affiliate account and put the related product widgets on your website. Just like adsense you will need a blog or website; however you will not need amazon’s approval to host the products.
3. CommissionJunction (CJ) – Membership/Software Affiliate Program
Commission Junction –
This is another website like amazon however they tend to sell digital goods like subscription, softwares, memberships etc. So if you are running a blog on e-goods then check out this website for some products. The cool thing about CJ is that you can earn money not just for purchase but also for actions. In amazon the user has to click on the ad and make a purchase, then you will earn. But in CJ there are offers where people can sign up for a free account or fill up a survey and you will earn $1-$2 for this.
4. Click Bank – Digital Goods Affiliate Program
ClickBank –
Just like commission junction, they sell digital goods. They are the number one seller for selling online coaching, software and internet related products. India, Pakistan and many more country of Asia is supported in clickbank, however I checked Bangladesh is not supported.
You can search for a large number of products in the marketplace and get the links. Most of these products pay upto 75% affiliate commissions. For an example if the product price is $100 and you manage to sell one through your website, you will be paid $75. That’s an awesome online earning opportunity.
5. Info Links – In-Text Ad Network
Infolinks –
This is another online earning platform. Of course you will need to have a blog or website with a lot of text articles to use them. After signing up you will receive an ad code. When you insert this ad code in your site, it will turn some of your article words into links. When people put their mouse pointer on top of these links they will see an ad. You will get paid on views and clicks.
6. CrankyAds – Banner & Link Selling Marketplace
Cranky Ads –
This website allows you to sell banner ads from your blog or website. It’s a great way to earn some extra money online. After signing up, you will need to add the code/plugin on your site and setup the offers. You can easily earn from $5-$10 per month for selling banner ads. When your blog grows, you can earn even more.
This post was written and edited based on the following article - http://www.onlineearningking.com/online-earning-sites/
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