Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to use social networks for marketing purposes - blogging and tweeting, #2

Fourth, you need to understand and maximally utilize every individual social networkings.

[follow and unfollow technic]

Google plus is flexible with more sophisticated connections, but Twitter is still very useful and closely directed toward other users.
To maximize the direct interface of Twitter, you need to find a Twitter user, which is directly related to your business and its topics. Then, follow the user's followers, and you could have more followers since Twitter users are quite alert to follow their followers. As a result, you can have more followers who are more interested in your topics, and you can eventually have more right followers.
If you are not successful in having users' attention, you can unfollow and can follow others, who are more interested in your topics and business.

To make more followers, you'd better not use business name for twitter; you need to use your real name.
People tend not to follow somebody who is strongly targeting at commercial beneifts.
Contrarily, twitter users tend to follow who is consulting for their needs with genuine authorship.

Although Google Plus is flexible with less restrictions, it is very smart!
Through Google Plus, it is more possible for you to make your followers, your profile is more open compared to Twitter. Others can see your profile more in detail, they can be selective. Furthermore, Google Plus users are not really
aggressive to find their followers compared to Twitter ones.
Thus, it will take time to have a lot of followers through Google Plus. Same as in Twitter, it is tougher to find the relavant followers.

 However, there is no limitation of how many users you follow, so it is a chance to make more followers. Google Plus could change their policy in the future like Facebook did.

One clear thing is that following or adding more users could give you more followers, but you need to set
up your strategy before starting your strategy in order to get more followers.
You should represent your service or business as a representative individual by using your photo and real profile so that you could give the other users more trust and genuine authorship.

[Statistics Analysis]

One good thing about Google Blogger is that they have very well refined Dashboard that gives you all the details about statistics telling 'how people visit yours', 'which post they read', and 'where the visitors come from' and so on. Since the statistics updates every second, it is possible to see how your post appeal to users coonected to your network.
For example, whenever you post a new article on your Google Plus or Twitter, you can see how many new
visits are made on your Google Blogger dashboard, so you can judge whether your new article was enough appealing to your newtwork or not.
It is a fascinating tool.

[Understanding Fuctions of Twitter]

There are certain limitations in following through Twitter. However, you can still reply, favorite, mention, and retweet other users' tweeting without being followed by them.
To have more followers, you need to understand and maximize all the functions to be used in in Twitter, Google Plus, Google Blogger etc. and you need to use them more in systematic relations.

It will be stated in the next article how you use all the social networking more in organic relationship.


About the author BJ Avilla.
He published his first religious and historical fiction, Intelligence Code (part I, Arena of Great Heroes) in 2013.
He is going to the followed series soon and to publish Journey to the Spirit Island in 2013.
He is also working on the social network marketing strategies, managing blogs, Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild.
Check his updated status by following the links.

Twitter: ​​
other blogs: Online Goods Review & Bloggers' Promo Guild

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