Our Guild Members

* ONLINE GOODS REVIEW BLOG - http://ogsreview.blogspot.com : Please share your experience through purchasing online goods. Avoid the frauds and use the best ones!

 ALL-AROUND PINAY MAMAhttp://allaroundpinaymama.blogspot.comI am a mommy blogger who writes about home and living, easy recipes, useful tips, product reviews, parenting, teaching, campaigns, events, and anything under the sun!

* SAMOA AVIATOR BLOG  - http://www.enidwesterlund.blogspot.com: A blog about life on a tropical island, being an aerosexual in Samoa, trotting the globe and other musings on life

* Blogger In The Woods - http://bloggerinthewoods.blogspot.com : Grassroots blogger, social media networking, social experimentation, PR, marketing, tryvertising, product review, beauty and ecigs.

You can also view the list of our guild members' blogs at the side banner in the order of most updated!


If you want to add your blog on our list, please leave comment about your blog address and details! It is free!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've 3 blogs: Blogger In The Woods, Blog Me Beautiful and Bluestar Ratings Ecig Review. This is grassroots blogging. I'm dipping into product review, possible tryvertising, social media networking, PR, marketing, writing. I'm feeling out the opportunities, looking to grow as a writer and have my blog be a product unto itself.

  3. Thank you Enid for your blog information. :) -http://www.enidwesterlund.blogspot.com
